

To run XIBLE using a Docker container, simply pull and run;

docker run -it -p 9600:9600 spectrumbroad/xible

Navigate to http://localhost:9600 to open the XIBLE editor. If you are running XIBLE on a machine other than your localhost, replace localhost with the IP address or DNS name of that machine.

Note that all the state, including flows, are currently stored within the Docker container. Issue #94


Once you have Node.js installed, you can run the following to install and start XIBLE;

docker run -it -p 9600:9600 spectrumbroad/xible

Run locally

Installing and running XIBLE directly on your computer or server.


No matter the operating system of your choice, XIBLE has one prerequisite for a local installation. XIBLE runs on top of Node.js and therefore needs Node.js to be installed.

You can refer to the following page for installing Node.js: download. Or perhaps you find a packaged Node.js version more suitable for you.

Be sure to select at least version 12.0.0 of Node.js. Older versions are not supported.

Linux & macOS

After you have installed Node.js (see prerequisites), all you need to do is take advantage of the NPM package to globally install your XIBLE installation;

sudo npm i xible -g --production

Once this is complete, you may start XIBLE the quick-and-easy way;

xible server start

Navigate to http://localhost:9600 to open the XIBLE editor. If you are running XIBLE on a machine other than your localhost, replace localhost with the IP address or DNS name of that machine.

Install as service

Linux only; alternatively install XIBLE as a service and run that service. This will ensure XIBLE will automatically start whenever your system boots.

sudo xible service enablesudo xible service start

More information on all xible command line options is available here.


Once you have Node.js installed, you can run the following to install and start XIBLE;

sudo npm i xible -g --productionxible server start


After you have installed Node.js (see prerequisites), all you need to do is take advantage of the NPM package to globally install your XIBLE installation;

npm i xible -g --production

Once this is complete, you may start XIBLE the quick-and-easy way;

xible server start

Navigate to http://localhost:9600 to open the XIBLE editor. If you are running XIBLE on a machine other than your localhost, replace localhost with the IP address or DNS name of that machine.

More information on all xible command line options is available in the command line documentation.


Once you have Node.js installed, you can run the following to install and start XIBLE;

npm i xible -g --productionxible server start