Apart from inputs and outputs, nodes can have input fields from which the data can be consumed within the node.


Structure data

The dataStructure object is the prefered way to specify what kind of data fields are available. This map is stored within the structure.json.

Implementation examples


The following applies to the dataStructure object within the root of structure.json.

path (dataStructure.name) type description
type String text, textarea, string, password, number, date, select, checkbox
options String[] A list of options for a select field. Only applies to data fields where dataStructure.type equals 'select'.
required Boolean Specifies that the data field is a required field.
vault Boolean Specifies that the value of this data field should be stored in the vault.
description String A description for the data field.
label String A label/name for the data field. If none is provided, the key of the dataStructure is used instead to reflect this field in the UI.
input Object Relates the field in the dataStructure to a given input by name. Ensures that node.getData() returns a combined array of the field and the related input values.
  input.name String The name of the related input.
  input.replaces Boolean If set to true, this data field will be hidden and disabled when anything is connected to the given input.
min Number Defines the minimum value that is acceptable and valid for a data field.
max Number Defines the maximum value that is acceptable and valid for a data field.
minlength Number Defines the minimum number of characters (as UTF-16 code units) a data field must contain. If no minlength is specified, or an invalid value is specified, the input has no minimum length.
maxlength Number Defines the maximum number of characters (as UTF-16 code units) a data field must contain. If no maxlength is specified, or an invalid value is specified, the input has no maximum length.
pattern String Specifies a regular expression the data value should match. Only applies to types 'text' & 'password'.


If as a developer you want full control of what is rendered for a certain node within the editor, you can instead ahve a look at the editor documentation.

Note that this is not the preferred way of managing data, and should only be used when the dataStructure does not provide sufficient options.

Consuming data

Within a node, a (await) call to NODE.getData(dataName, state) is sufficient to fetch the following as an array;

  • The data stored in the node for the given dataName.
  • The data retrieved by related inputs, if dataStructure[dataName].input.name is set.
  • If dataStructure[dataName].input.replaces is set, the data stored in the node for the given dataName is ignored.

This method always returns an array, even when no input is related in the dataStructure.

Implementation examples